A great product is one thathelpsa lot of peoplegetmoreout oflife.

Hi, I'm Tyler. When I'm not biking🚴‍,playing the guitar🎸,or building legos with my kids👦👧👦👶,I'm usually typing up lines of code on my MacBook💻. Even though I received my Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, I started out my career in operations and spent 6 years in operations management for Pepsi and Peapod. Not inspired, I shifted focus to web development, learned to code and have spent the past 4 years as the lead website developer for a local marketing agency.

On the side, I've been honing my development skills with projects and product ideas. I've launched 9 products to-date onProduct Huntand have experimented with hundreds of smaller projects both on my site and the sites of clients that I've had the privilege to create and support. The topics of focus have included SEO, sports, font icons, and business consulting.

Right now, I'm dedicating all possible time to transforming myself from a self-taught coder into a senior level programmer and computer scientist.💯


Skills based on experience level and time accrued via client work and personal projects



Computer science, programming and code examples, blog posts, and small projects.

Fixing CORS Preflight Errors on Your Express.js API

Trying to access or allow users to access your Express.js API but getting CORS errors? Fix the errors by adding these few lines of code.


Real-Time Social Proof Ticker using WebSockets with Node.js

To encourage ticket sales, I built a real-time tickets purchased ticker in Node.js using WebSockets in an incredibly short amount of code.


Lifting State Up with React and Submitting a Form

By lifting-state-up and maintaining your application's state in a parent module you can ensure modularity and the separation of views.


Dynamic Page Metadata with React and Express.js

Do you have a site built in React that you want to generate organic traffic? If so, you need to search engine optimize your site and it starts with custom, dynamic metadata.


Exporting a Browser Event Listener Class in TypeScript

Creating a TypeScript class is a great way to write code efficiently. Here's how you can create an eventListener class and implement it in a browser.

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Products, projects and platforms

Bit Mountain Website Accessibility Plugin

Bit Mountain is a website accessibility plugin that helps website owners make their sites ADA compliant.


Express-Modularity NPM Module

NPM express-modularity is a JavaScript module that works with Express.js to create React-like modular routing files.


Date-Mirror JavaScript Module

Date-Mirror is a JavaScript module that enables users to format and render dates and times similar to PHP 'date' while also allowing ranges and plain text.



100 Days of Computer Science is a resource platform for programmers looking to level-up their CS skills with links to free resources and flash cards.


Chrome Extension for #100DaysofCS

I wanted to create an easier way to add computer science links to the 100Daysofcs.com website, so I created a Chrome Extension!

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